Crescendo – a second edition that lives up to expectations
The Entre Sambre est Meuse festival of transition initiatives has once again inspired, brought together and spread joy and hope within the Domaine Saint Roch eco-place in Couvin.
This festival, focused on ecological transition, aims to promote meetings between the various local actors in the Entre Sambre et Meuse Sud region. Whether in terms of agricultural and artisanal production, associations with a social or civic vocation, environmental protection, etc.
The objective is both to help consolidate existing local networks and to make these different actors known to the public in order to promote the development of local trade, local production and citizen initiatives. But also to raise awareness among our fellow citizens on the theme of transition through conferences and screenings, in particular.
In two words: a friendly and family gathering during a weekend punctuated by concerts where debates, presentations and film screenings were also held on the subject of ecological transition in the broad sense.
Crescendo builds relationships
During these three days, just over five hundred festival-goers came to discover the world of transition. According to them, the diversity of activities has really been a plus. The consistency with the root values (benevolence, trust, curiosity, wonder, gratitude, inclusiveness, joy, etc.) of the festival was also pointed out. A relaxed and good-natured atmosphere opened the discussions around a Bichette (beer from the Eaux Vives micro-brewery) or a Surroco (artisanal drink made from pears, elderflowers, lemon and orange blossoms). . Several testimonials from visitors have shown that projects have germinated at the end of this festival.
Organizing such a festival requires elbow grease. Fortunately, fifty-six volunteers came to lend a hand for a day, the most motivated stayed five days and camped on site, sharing a meal and a break together. The friendliness was there! Some had returned from the previous year and several volunteers expressed the desire to repeat the adventure next year.
Another explosive figure: one hundred and twenty-three. This is the number of speakers who came to present their local initiatives, present a project, serve an organic drink from the region or even guide a nature walk or lead games for children. On the program, there are no less than fifty-four activities spread over the weekend. Here again, the festive atmosphere allowed connections, exchanges and the weaving of a locally anchored network.
A festival with a varied program
the friday marked the inauguration of the festival in a small committee reserved mainly for the organizational core, the speakers and the volunteers. This evening was also open to the outside with a few online tickets. After a word of welcome, the documentary film Sous la Brume by Pierre Bleue was broadcast on full screen. This was followed by an open discussion in a circle and animations to project themselves into a desirable future. The evening ended in a convivial moment.

Saturday day saw the majority of visitors. It was a day full of sharing and connection. Collective projects have been initiated, knowledge and know-how have been shared with kindness and the world of tomorrow has been experienced throughpractical workshops (lacto-fermentation, naturopathy, tai-chi, sewing, exfoliating cream, sheep shearing, wool carding, etc.), information stands represented by local initiatives, meetings-conferences (on agricultural land as a common good, democratic schools and permaculture), guided nature walks, a children’s area to let the imagination and creativity of the little ones express themselves, concerts and a show. A bar area accompanied by a foodtruck both serving local and organic products were able to warm up our festival-goers. The evening, marked by a series of concerts, was inaugurated by Alex in front of the Cimes and his keyboard-guitar. The atmosphere took off thanks to Pang, the green rap group. After an unexpected downpour, the Fracaban group warmed up the dancers, sheltered under the roof of the old barn. Olivier Terwagne closed the evening gently with his bewitching voice.
This day was a success because it brought together the majority of the public and created many links. It generated collective emulation and joie de vivre. Many people were inspired and amazed by the proposed initiatives.
Return example:
- “Bravo and congratulations for this hope for a possible and united future”
- “Overall, it was a great citizen initiative…thank you to everyone who participated from near or far 😉 it makes you want to join you!!!”
Finally, on Sunday was experimented with the open forum: a collective intelligence tool allowing the public to propose their own activity during the festival. On that day, it was the festival-goers who built their festival. On the program, in particular: round table on decolonial ecology, lacto-fermentation workshops, sharing of experience on market gardening and so many others. The goal: to dream, activate, engage, co-create our Entre Sambre et Meuse region. A first for this festival which wants to be innovative and creative.
A connecting and connected festival
A large part of the festival was filmed by a communication agency,, and broadcast live on pages and channels Facebook and Youtube of the Crescendo Festival, as well as on other partner channels (all videos are available on our channels). Several podcasts have been shot, newspaper articles written and even reports by local television stations.
Crescendo y va… crescendo
The general enthusiasm for this second edition, on the part of the speakers as well as the volunteers and the organizational team, marked the desire to perpetuate the energy and the positive impacts of the festival throughout the ‘year. Thus, a lighter edition will see the light of day on the weekend of May 15, 2022 and will focus on a cultural theme around the Ecological Transition. This will make it possible to affirm a little more the notoriety of Crescendo but also to create a friendly gathering space.
In addition, several one-off events will be organized throughout the year in order to maintain the links created during the festival but also to allow festival-goers who have not had the chance to participate in certain festival activities. to take part in it.
The Crescendo festival whose nature sets the tempo has already announced an upcoming date. Meet on 09/30, 10/1 and 10/2 at the Domaine Saint Roch eco-place for a new dose of collective joy and inspiring discovery.